Thursday, November 22, 2012

Some things to remember


I love photographing rusty old cars and making art

It's good to try new things - love jen gray - she started the interest in blogging for me - interesting she popped up in an example of videos for this course I am doing at the moment

Make it happen

How to be alone

Typewriter as art

Ironing as art

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Are you focussed or easily distracted?

 So many aspects to this photograph 

One of my favourites


Been feeling a lot of resistance lately. I have been trying to figure out why it drains me of energy and I can't remember my passion - it disappears. I tend to not plan and feel that this is a huge problem as I drift between all sorts of things and projects during the day, which I now better understand is Resistance. I also tend to want to do too many things and don't choose to sit and complete or work on one for a period of time. They all seem to compete and nothing substantial is done. Possibly something to do with being a Gemini?  I don't like planning and have never really been one - except for practical things - not for creative things ...mmmmm. I find I am writing more lists lately of things to do and that need to be done if I am to move forward creatively and therefore personally. I am enjoying reading The War of Art and finding strategies to become more structured in my creative time. Partly I feel that this is not my "job" and I "should" be doing something more "productive" or helping in our garden etc . not "playing" ....mmm again. I need to rethink my perspective on what I enjoy doing!!

A good thing though is that I did receive my "business" cards, magnets and note pad that i had to work through in a previous post "what is going on?"    I feel the words "business cards" are the wrong words to use at this point - I will remove the word business and just call them cards as they can be given out for a number of reasons - not just "business".

I feel better about this now.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What is going on??

Not sure what's happening right now. Yesterday I decided to create  a business card based around "Are you serious?" with my name, photo, email address and blog address. I thought it would be a good idea as I am meeting different people now I am on long service leave and after talking to them they are often curious about my blog and my book blog and this is a way of networking and letting them have a look at what I do. As I was creating it through I felt my inner critic rise. Who do you think you are? Who is interested in what you do? Who will buy your books? What do you think you are doing? You will be a laughing stock. How pretentious etc.  I sat with the voice and kept going. I have used the picture that is on my blog - the one of me sipping from a bottle of beer. Again the voice rose - what kind of picture is that?  What will people think ..... ongoing. I like that photo. I am not a beer drinker normally but it was a very hot day and I was at the Lexton family fun day and someone took this photo. I don't seem to be photogenic but this side on view intrigues me. I like it. So I continued on and ordered the cards.

Today I went to pick up my master copy of my second book from Cheryl - a hairdresser - who has ordered more than 20 of my books as gifts and she ordered 3 more of "Are you serious?" version 1 and pre-ordered 2 copies of "Are you serious?" version 2 which is still to be printed. Last week I had sold her 2 copies and another friend sold 1 as well.

For some reason I am not believing in myself and need to find out why - this will be ongoing - if anyone reads this and can offer any comment or advice I would greatly appreciate it

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Trust where life takes me

I have now started an online video making class via - Montage. I am looking forward to doing something new with all the things I love doing - words, pictures and music but still need to trust in the process that this is what i am meant to be doing and not feeling guilty for getting lost in the pleasure of it all while other areas of my life fall a little behind. Also this does not feel like work so is a kind of guilty pleasure feeling - need to get the perspective right and enjoy doing what I enjoy doing because i get so much pleasure and fun out of it and use my imagination as well .

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